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How to increase your Google rankings for location searches

Jason Freeman | 24 Jan, 2024 | Return|

keywords help with local SEO

Location is everything. And when it comes to attracting customers, location-based search engine optimisation (local SEO) is the secret weapon every small business needs. But mastering this intricate art isn't just about throwing the word "local" around. It's a strategic dance, a game of signals sent to Google's mighty algorithm, a quest to conquer the coveted top spot in local search results. So, buckle up, business owner, because this guide is your map to local SEO supremacy.

Step 1: The Treasure Hunt – Unmasking Local Keywords

Imagine your ideal customer, searching for your exact offering online. What words would they type? This is where keyword research shines. Tools like Google Keyword Planner and Moz can reveal a goldmine of local search terms specific to your industry and area. Focus on long-tail keywords – phrases like "best yoga studio near Central Park" – as they have higher purchase intent and lower competition. Remember, it's about quality, not quantity. Choose keywords that truly match your target audience and your business strengths.

Step 2: The Grand Placement – Planting Keywords for Maximum Impact

Now, for the strategic planting of your keyword treasures. Don't just sprinkle them like confetti! Here's where finesse comes in:

  1. Website Titles and Meta Descriptions: These are prime real estate! Include your main location-specific keyword in both, enticing searchers with their relevance.
  2. Headings and Subheadings: Structure your website content with clear headings and subheadings, incorporating relevant keywords naturally. Don't force it – readability is key!
  3. Body Content: Weave your chosen keywords throughout your website's text, but organically. Aim for a density of 1-2%, ensuring natural flow and avoiding keyword stuffing.
  4. Local Landing Pages: Consider creating dedicated landing pages for specific locations you serve. Optimise these pages with location-specific keywords and content, tailoring them to local customers' needs.
  5. Image Alt Text: Don't let your images be silent! Describe them with alt text using relevant local keywords, helping search engines understand your visual content.
  6. Remember, keyword placement is an art, not a science. Use your intuition and common sense to ensure your content reads naturally while sending strong local SEO signals.

Step 3: Frequency Matters – Finding the Golden Keyword Balance

Keyword usage is a balancing act. Overdo it, and you risk triggering Google's spam alarms. Underdo it, and your local SEO magic fades. So, find the sweet spot! Here's a golden rule: use your primary keyword once or twice in the title, meta description, and first paragraph. Then, sprinkle it naturally throughout the content, aiming for a density of around 1-2%. Don't forget related keywords and synonyms – variety is key to ranking for broader searches.

Beyond Keywords: The SEO Symphony of Local Success

While keywords are the melody, remember, local SEO is a symphony. Other instruments must harmonise for true success:

  1. Claim and Optimise Your Google My Business Profile: This is your local SEO masterpiece! Fill it with accurate and complete information, including your NAP (Name, Address, Phone number), high-quality photos, and positive customer reviews. Respond to inquiries promptly and actively manage your profile.
  2. Build Local Backlinks: Earn mentions and links from local websites, directories, and publications. Partner with other local businesses for cross-promotion opportunities.
  3. Embrace Online Reviews: Encourage happy customers to leave positive reviews on Google My Business, Yelp, and other relevant platforms. Respond to all reviews, thanking customers for their feedback and addressing any concerns professionally.
  4. Engage with the Local Community: Participate in local events, sponsor local sports teams, and actively contribute to your community. Online and offline engagement sends strong local SEO signals.

Remember, local SEO is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Be patient, consistent, and data-driven. Track your results, analyse your keywords, and refine your strategy over time. With dedication and these powerful tips, you'll conquer the local search jungle and watch your business blossom under the Google spotlight. So, take your first step, choose your local keywords, and start planting the seeds of your SEO success today!

About the Author

Jason Freeman

Jason Freeman

As a hands-on company director, Jason inspires our team with his visionary approach to marketing coupled with his impressive technical expertise. A stickler for detail with an eye for design and a talent for writing, Jason is as adept at creating eye-catching marketing material as he is at planning the strategies behind goal-surpassing marketing campaigns.

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